Testing for fun – delete after

2020 saw massive changes to the way teaching occurs. It went from classroom-based learning to online learning throughout the world. The organisation I worked at started to consider if classroom-based learning was still the gold standard, or would online/blended learning be the future. Regardless of the decisions made from above, 2020 saw teachers scrambling around to get their materials ready for online learning.

The technology may be new or challenging to some teachers. However, as young people have grown up using online spaces to communicate and socialise, the jump to online learning is probably not as big for them as it was for teachers. Nevertheless, there are some obvious changes in the make-up and dynamics of an online class. Here is what I learned from teaching online:

  1. Be extra clear with your instructions

We have all been there. We give instructions, we ask instruction-checking questions, and then we are monitoring the class, we find that some students have seemingly wilfully disregarded your instructions. In class, the teacher can give additional instructions to ensure students are on task. Online, it is more difficult. So, make sure you have your instructions written down on the PPT or chat box so students can read them again if necessary.

2. Encourage participation

One of the challenges I found (and continue to find) with online teaching is that it is a great way for shy students to take a back seat. Sometimes you can feel as though you are talking to an empty space, and can be quite a lonely experience. However, by setting out clear expectations at the beginning, it will help the creation of a relaxed online classroom environment. Breakout rooms help with encouraging students to work together.

3. Utilise technology

Have a space/class page somewhere where students can comment/ chat about issues concerning the lesson. Students want to have interactions and feel ‘close’ to the teacher, so prompt, detailed communication is really important.

As our resources at www.tesolactivities.com are created by experienced teachers, they are easy to use both offline and online. Happy teaching!

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